The Annual business meeting of the Episcopal Church Women (ECW), Diocese of Chicago, was held on Saturday, April 20, 2024. Again this year, the meeting was held both in person and via Zoom. Jane Schenck, President, Wanda Norris, United Thank Offering (UTO) Diocesan Coordinator, Maryfran Crist, Church Periodical Club (CPC) Province V Coordinator were present, in addition to board members Peg Newby, Secretary, Laura Brady, Treasurer, Judy Greaves, Diane Edwards, Helen Mensing, Helena Echols, and retiring member Linda Toberman. The total number present for the day was 41, plus the rector of All Saints Western Springs, the Rev. L. D. Wood-Hull. There were also 2 Zoom attendees.
Jane Schenck, President, convened the meeting at 9:05 a.m. and welcomed all. Following “housekeeping” items and a review of the day’s agenda and processes, Jane led the morning devotions. Our Deacon, the Rev. Trilby Murray, is traveling and could not attend. Please note that the Necrology for April 2023 through March 2024 is contained in the Agenda and Worship Booklet. Jane highlighted the ECW’s history, and encouraged us to recruit women for the board. Jane noted that Helen Mensing has agreed to remain on the board. Today’s meeting theme is Women Leaders: Serving with Purpose and Gratitude.
Wanda Norris has been acting as UTO Diocesan Coordinator under the mentorship of Linda Toberman, and will be formally elected today. Wanda gave examples of the benefits of UTO grants, from youth ministries to St. Leonard’s ministries. She encouraged all present to visit her information table and take needed supplies to have a thriving UTO in their congregations. She noted that the amounts given are not as vital as just giving.
Maryfran Crist, CPC representative for our Diocese and Province V, spoke of all the good things that can come from the Church Periodical Club grants. She would be glad to speak with parishes about creative ways for collections for CPC. Their online raffle, Quilts & Fibers, resulted in Jane winning her own donated afghan! Maryfran presented a plaque to Jane for her ECW work. A desk-sized plaque was also given.
Peg Newby gave Betty the ECW Chicago Diocese approved and signed minutes from our meetings 4/2023 through 3/2024.
After a short break, Jane introduced our Honored Women. Each one present received a certificate and a gift of a perpetual devotional/journal. Six of our 9 honored women were able to be present, along with some of their sponsors. Jo Gantzer was recognized as our Distinguished Woman, and will accompany Jane, Trilby, and Wanda to the Triennial meeting in June.
Diane Edwards conducted the count of our paper ballot voting. The results of the vote were all aye for the approval of the 2023 Annual Meeting and all reports, the re-election of Jane Schenck as our President, and Wanda Norris as UTO Coordinator. Twenty-five parishes were present, and 21 ballots were submitted.
Our meeting adjourned and we moved to the All Saints Sanctuary for Holy Eucharist and Installation of Officers. The Rev. Eileen Shanley-Roberts was our presider, with Wanda Norris, Janiya Rayford, and Laura Brady as readers. Rev. Shanley-Roberts conducted the Commissioning of Officers and Board members. Our UTO offerings were collected. Helen Mensing read the Necrology during communion.
Following this service we enjoyed a gluten-free lunch and conversation.
Our Ministry Partners then spoke about their programs. Each was given a donation towards their efforts.
The Rev. Sandra Castillo spoke about the Sanctuary Task Force. She gave a history of immigration in the United States. Presently, Venezuela is the source of our area’s current influx, along with other South American countries. She also noted that there is a difference between refugees and those seeking asylum. Refugees are vetted through the U.N. and get work permits, benefits, and 6-months of free housing. The vetting takes about 10 years. Asylum seekers get nothing but admission to the country, which is mandatory. Churches across the country have responded to their needs. We can work towards comprehensive immigration reform, support meal programs, and make donations of money, clothing, etc.
The Rev. Diane Tomlinson then spoke about the programming at Emmanuel in Rockford. Rev. Tomlinson feels that urban ministry is her calling. Emmanuel serves the unhoused and unfed. Their Jubilee Center serves people with mental health problems. It is a community and they do things together like field trips. She considers them members of Jubilee, not clients. More information is available on their website.
Our keynote speaker was The Rev. Eileen Shanley-Roberts, Director of Formation and Contextual Learning; Assistant Professor of the Practice of Ministry at Bexley Seabury Seminary. She stressed that Purpose is our “why”, not our “how”. What is God calling you to do? This is the challenge for the ECW. Regardless of our physical abilities or resources, we all have a Purpose.
Our meeting was adjourned at 2 p.m. Thank you to All Saints for hosting and for their members for their hospitality.